And remember, when all these styles go into your way, try menu Canvas ▸ Show Only Outlines. That’s the way you can copy style from one shape to another. If you select a Shape and then create a new one, it will inherit (almost) all of these style attributes.

Stroke Color – Pick System Color or Library Color that will be used to draw stroke of the Shape.Image Offset – Specifies X and Y offset of the Image fill.Image Tiling – If you use Image for fill, the image may be drawn once or repeatedly in tiled patterns.Gradient controls in canvas: For Circular and Two-Point gradient fills, extra controls appear in canvas that allow you to manipulate the gradient end-points. Gradient Angle – For Angular gradient fill, you simply specify angle on which the gradient should be drawn.
Gradient Type – When filling using Library Gradient, you have three options how to apply it: Angular, Circular and Two-Point.Fill – Pick System Color, Library Color, Library Gradient or Library Image that will be used to draw fill of the Shape.Alignment – Horizontal and vertical alignment of the text within the Shape’s bounding box.Text Insets – Defines extra whitespace around text.Font Size – Specifies how big the text will be, either by exact size in points or by using popup menu with predefined system values.It’s not possible to connect Variables here. The menu will offer you recently used fonts. Choose either built-in iOS fonts or any installed font on your Mac. Font – Allows you to pick font used for the text.Text Color – A color used to draw the text, either pick one from predefined colors (like black or white) or use a custom Library Color.

This attribute supports Variable of type Text.

Write desired text into the Inspector, or double-click the Shape in canvas to edit text. Text – The text that is rendered in Shape’s bounding box.Any styling attributes of the clipping Shape become invisible, only outline is used. You pick a Shape from the inside of the Group’s contents and this Shape will act as a clipping mask. This attribute doesn’t support Variables. From simple Multiply to advanced compositing operations that can be used for masking, like Destination In or Source Out. Blending Mode – One of many standard blending modes which define how the Shape is rendered on existing drawing beneath it.Drag the slider or connect a Variable of Fraction type. Opacity – How transparent the shape appears, from 0% to 100%.Touch Bar also allows you to hide and show selected Shapes. You can either click the eye button in Shape List, or connect a Variable of Boolean type to the popover. Visibility – Whether the Shape is actually visible.

Basically these are the attributes that make the Shape actually visible.Īs shown in Inspector, from top to bottom, here is a description of all visual attributes. The other part is Style, which I use to collectively call Fill, Stroke, Shadow, Text, Opacity, Blend Mode, and such. In previous post I discussed Shapes and their actual shape, but it’s just one aspect of Shapes.
This post is a part of series PaintCode Power User.