On top of that, you are also able to purchase several items at the beginning of the race that might give you a starting boost. Naturally, the most expensive ones are the best, and if you're willing to shell out your winnings for a top-notch "Louie" or "Tirra," you'd better aim for one who you know will help win back your precious stash in no time flat. In that case, head over to the Stable and see what available creatures are for sale. Or perhaps you'd rather have a new animal to strap yourself down to. For one, if you're interested in playing at a new track, you can buy a ticket to race in it. Once you've collected a good stash, you're able to spend it on several different things. The you can play in the bonus round for even more cash! Placing high in the races can earn you loads of Bomberman Coins, used to enter into more races, especially if you come in first.

The fact is, since you play the same courses over and over again to reach different goals and against different racers, the short course count doesn't matter too much. If you're expecting a mammoth amount, however, you should put your tail between your legs and scamper off, because Atlus' wacky racer can only brag about having seven courses.

Gameplay Although not terribly huge, Bomberman Fantasy Race has several courses that boast enough variety to keep you coming back for awhile. The truth is that in most cases Bomberman titles are more fun to play with than the magazines hidden in your uncle's "No No Drawer." And Bomberman Fantasy Race is no exception to the rule! Sounds Japanese enough for you? Any game featuring curiously colored anime kangaroos and rhinos as your only mode of transportation most likely is, and I'll be damned if that isn't a perfect formula!